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Paul Esposito Receives Region VI SPY AwardSeptember 19, 2024
Call for Speakers
September 9, 2024
New Members and Anniversaries
July 18, 2024
Chapter President’s Message
Happy Fall! The start of the fall season has a different meaning for many of us. For some chapter members, the Region VI Professional Development Conference symbolizes the end of summer, and it was a pleasure to interact with many of you who were in attendance, in Virginia Beach. Many Americans consider the Labor Day holiday to be the end of season, while the official conclusion is September 22, with the autumnal equinox.
Regardless of how you mark the end of summer and the beginning of fall, the kids are back at school, the leaves are changing, and pumpkin spice… well… everything, is on the store shelves. As the season changes from summer to fall, there are some additional precautions that you can take to keep you and the community safe, while on the roadways:
- Be on the lookout for school zone signals and ALWAYS obey the speed limits.
- When entering a school zone, be sure to slow down and obey all traffic laws.
- Always stop for school busses that are loading or unloading children.
- Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
- Be aware of and watch out for children near schools, bus stops, sidewalks, in the streets, in school parking lots, etc.
- Never pass other vehicles, change lanes, make u-turns, or text while driving in a school zone.
- Avoid using a cell phone, unless it is completely hands-free, while driving in a school zone.
- Unless licensed to do so, never use handicap or emergency vehicle lanes or spaces to drop off or pick up children at school.
The summer months passed us by very quickly and there is no doubt that we will be talking about winter weather safety before we know it. Don’t let the many benefits that ASSP has to offer pass you by! Regardless of the industry that you work in, ASSP has something for you. In addition, we are looking for assistance on one of our many committees. While many of our volunteers spend 8 or more hours per month, in their volunteer roles, many others spend less than 2 hours. Regardless of the commitment that you are able to make, your assistance is needed and appreciated. If you are interested in being more active in the chapter, please reach out to me directly. Thank for taking the time to visit the website for the Chesapeake Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals.
James Woodward
ASSP Chesapeake Chapter President
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to join us at ASSP Chesapeake Chapter. There are many great reasons to join our chapter such as sharing of technical knowledge, professional development opportunities and networking. These interactions help to provide guidance, techniques and solutions to help OSH professionals prevent injuries, improve work environments and educate management. Another advantage is the free subscription to the professional journal Professional Safety, which offers in depth articles on best practices, leadership, standards, policy and regulation. Membership also helps you tap into a powerful audience with ASSP Media Solutions and other means to develop professionally. Our chapter is 392 members strong and still growing!
The ASSP organization itself is the oldest and largest professional safety organization. With more than 37, 000 members worldwide, it is a global association of occupational safety, health and environmental professionals that advances the interests of its members and the profession.
Please feel free to contact us at membership@chesapeake.assp.org if you have any questions. Thanks again for taking the time to join us and we hope to see you again!